Friday, July 18, 2008

Reading Glasses :-(

Me with glasses - again Well, it finally happened. I couldn't put it off any longer. I went to the optometrist last week and decided I really did need reading glasses. After having LASIK 4 1/2 years ago, I was hoping I'd never have to wear glasses again. But, shortly after turning 40, I started to notice it was difficult to focus my eyes while reading. So I waited one more year before getting these glasses. My biggest problem was that after spending nine hours a day at work staring at a computer screen, my eyes got tired and I was having trouble reading street signs while driving home. So my optometrist says that if I wear these glasses during the day, then I'll have better vision for distance viewing. I can still read without glasses, but these lenses make the print slightly clearer. However, I've had them on 10 minutes and already my nose and ears are bothering me - just like before.


Anonymous said...

All the same, you don't seem to mind wearing sunglasses in your profile picture :-)

Homer Simpson said...

Yes, that is true. I don't mind wearing sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

Well, never mind, I need reading glasses for very small print, we're just getting on in years I guess.