Sunday, July 27, 2008

Comic-Con 2008: Sunday

Bart Simpson
I arrived before the doors to the dealers room opened, and had to wait in a queue upstairs. However, I was in the room by 9:30, before it got too crowded, in time to snap a few photos. This was the busiest Sunday I've ever seen at the Comic-con. It was as busy as Saturday used to be ten years ago. I ended up buying nothing, because either the stuff I wanted to buy was still too expensive, or I could just buy it online and not have to carry a big bag full of action figures all day long.

The Ghost Whisperer
I walked the main floor, up and down every isle, checking out each booth for something to buy or photograph. I made an effort to stop at the Cinequest boot to say "hi", like their web site said to do. I told the man I just bought a Tooned-up Buffy from them and he recognized my name and said he packed the figure for me. How nice! Around 1:30 I went to Room 6CDEF for the Ghost Whisperer Panel, despite the absence of Jennifer Love Hewitt. They had three of the actors, including the newest member, played by Jamie Kennedy, who hopefully is not as annoying on the show as he was in person. I guess they needed a new character to replace the professor, who is leaving the show after the first episode this coming season.

I am the 5th Cylon
After another quick walk around the dealers room, I joined my sister in room 20 for the showing of "Once More With Feeling", the Buffy musical. It was strange, I had an uneasy feeling before the showing, afraid something weird was going to happen. However, despite the hype, there was no dancing and if there were people singing along, I couldn't tell. We were in the back of the room, in seats with a good view of the back screen, and the audience in the front was more into the musical. I think most people were too interested in actually watching the classic episode, that they didn't have time to sing along. However, it was a good way to end the Comic-Con, other than the dinner and beer at Dublin Square afterwards.

1 comment:

Karen said...

best photo yet!