Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Futurama Series Three - Bender and Kif

Bender Series 3
When the doorbell rang, I assumed it was another salesman from AT&T. They are now at the top of my "hate" list, jumping ahead of the Union Tribune guys. So far four AT&T people have been to my house trying to sell me their new fiber optic TV/phone/Internet. I was nice to the first one. The second guy gave up on me quick. The third person got an earful and said he would take my name off the list. So when the 4th man came to my door I almost lost control. Luckily, there was no body at my door this time, just a nice, brown box with two Futurama action figures in it. Yes, series 3 with Bender and Kif have arrived.

Kif Series 3

Bender seems to have come with three eye options: angry, surprised (or sad?) and "be careful about what you're going to say next", if that is an emotion that can be expressed with eyes. Kif seems to be Cowboy Kif. This is the first Kif action figure I've bought, or perhaps ever produced. He was a secondary character, Zapp Brannigan's side-kick/first mate, who ended up in a relationship with Amy. Now that I have all six figures, I could open them up and build the Robot Devil. Or not.


Karen said...

Just in time for Comic Con!

Homer Simpson said...

Now it looks as if my KW trip will be postponed to 1st week of Aug. I might be able to attend Comic-Con, except for Saturday which will probably sell-out before I know if I can attend.