Monday, June 23, 2008

2008 Tahoe Bike Ride

Break after Bike Ride
Today was the day of the traditional bike ride. I almost didn't go due to an injury the night before. As I was walking downstairs to go to bed, Carry yelled "Hey Keith!". Just then my left foot slipped on the stair and I fell on my right leg, causing it to twist in a position that it is not designed to. I was able to get up and walk to bed, but this morning my right leg really hurt. After breakfast and a strong painkiller, I felt better and decided to join the others. So we made our bike ride and ice cream afterwords, where I got a butterscotch milkshake. Now it is time to rest to get ready for dancing tonight at Club Blu. I'll have to dance without moving my feet, but that's normal.

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