Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I finally met my next-door neighbor

After six months, I finally met the woman who lives next to me. It was kind of strange living next to someone who you share a wall with and do not know. I had only seen her once or twice briefly since she moved it. She is a very nice, older lady, who speaks with a heavy accent. I also found out from her that the woman living next to her is now living in an assisted-living home. That would explain why I hadn't see her for some time. I guess when you are in your 90s and still chain smoke you can't expect to live on your own forever. Now her condo and the one next to it, both owned by her son, are empty and used only for storage. He should rent them out and make more money, but I guess he's rich and doesn't need the income.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Either that or chain smoking is a great way to make it to your 90's.