Tuesday, June 26, 2007

San Jacinto Trail Photos


We stopped to rest and eat several times on the hike up. At this point we were at a junction in the trail. We were trying to figure out if this is where the trail we took last year connected up. We thought is was but then further along we encountered the turn off to the path we took the year before. It was kind of nice when we saw the sign saying "Peak .3 miles".

View Along the Way

Sometime when you are hiking, you forget to stop and enjoy the view. Every time we tried to look at the view while walking, we almost tripped on a rock. Most of the trail meandered along the forest, so we were surrounded by shade-producing trees. As the trail ascended, we were hiking along the side of the mountain where there were great views of the forest and beyond. The temperature was perfect - cool and a slight breeze. At the top is was a little cold, but not enough to put on a jacket, of which I was carrying just in case.

Me Again

If you have noticed, many of the photo I've posted with us in them look slightly "fake". The sun seemed to always be in the wrong position for proper lighting. I really needed to have the flash turned on, but you can only do that from the manual settings and it takes more time to set the camera up for that. Luckily, one version of Photoshop I have on the Mac has a "highlights/shadows" setting. This basically simulates a flash. However, the color of the lightened areas don't look natural, but at least you can see our faces better. For the non-people photos, I just crank up the saturation, making all the colors look more vibrant. This isn't cheating, I try to adjust the photo to look like I remember it.


Anonymous said...

Dr. White was pleased to hear about your lack of knee pain.


Homer Simpson said...

Good. I have an appointment tomorrow - the training continues.