Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Homeowners Association Meeting

After nine years of living in my condominium, I finally went to a monthly homeowners association meeting. I was hoping to find out their decision on my application for a new air conditioner. I had no idea what to expect at the meeting. First off, I was one of three non-board members there, and considering there are 115 homeowners (not 130 as I hinted at previously), that is not very many. They opened the meeting up to general comments and questions. I took this opportunity to ask a few questions and make a comment or two. The other non-board member who sat next to me spent basically 10 minutes complaining about how regular homeowners are "shut-out" of the monthly meetings. I guess I found out what she was talking about because after the open items were discussed, they went into the "executive discussion", and thanked us for attending. I took that to mean I had to leave, but maybe they just didn't think anyone wants to listen in for one hour of boring discussions. I was ready to. However, they did acknowledge my A/C application and commented on my Photoshopped picture of the AC unit on the roof. So I have a good feeling they'll approve it and I can have the AC installed next month. Not a day too soon, because it is already getting above 80 degrees inside my home.


Karen said...

All boards are like that. The board members have to have an executive meeting without the homeowners to make the decisions on behalf of the homeowners. The open session is to take everything into consideration. If you had the everything open for negotiation, nothing would get done. If someone doesn't like the way the board manages, then they should run for the board. My year as VP of my condo's board was a stressful experience and I put far more work into that unpaid and unthanked position that I hope to never be on a board again. Our condos were only 20 but our turnout was always 8 - 11 each meeting.

Homer Simpson said...

That is what the board told this woman. If she is unhappy about being shut-out, run for the board next time.