Sunday, January 16, 2005

Plumbing Disaster Averted

Today I attempted to install a new faucet on my sister's bathroom sink. After three hours of fighting to get the old one off, and trying to figure out why I had leftover parts. I finished. However, when testing the sink for leaks, hot water started spraying everywhere. By the time I got the valve shut off, the light in the hallway below filled up with water, and water was leaking through the ceiling and walls of the first story. The electricity had to be shut off so no one would be shocked. To make a long story short, the new faucet looks great, but now the water intake lines have to be replaced, and that requires shutting off the main water which affects many residents. Time to call a real plumber.


Karen said...

The story and photos are now posted on my blog. Thanks again Homer for replacing the faucet. The plumber said you did a good job and there was no hope for the pipes. I still have to test the downstairs light fixture. Maybe tomorrow.

Homer Simpson said...

I'm glad that the pipe broke while we were home and not while we were out drinking beer. We would have returned to a very wet condo.