Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Brent Spiner on Joey

I have posted before on how much I like the television show Joey. Well last week they had a guest star, and it is not even sweeps week! That's right, Brent Spiner was on the show and he played himself. This episode centered around the premier party for the "drama" that Joey co-stars in. Brent Spiner was at the party, as well as Joey's nephew Michael who is a very intelligent and nerdy (like me!). At the end of the episode, Michael had to make a choice. Go have a drink with a very beautiful woman, or go to Brent Spiner's car to see his Data uniform. So Michael looked at the women, then looked at Mr. Spiner, and then said to the woman "Sorry, I'm going to have to go with Brent Spiner." Classic! Funniest line ever! If you don't understand why this is so funny, then I could never explain it to you.

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