Thursday, August 23, 2007

Another Person's View of Mt. Whitney

Summit, Here we Come

I am violating the unwritten blogging rule of posting on past events, but this last week has been uneventful for me, so HERE are Mt. Whitney hike photos taken by ThrillIsGone22. I hope he doesn't mind me posting these for the whole world to see. They include the group photo of us at the start of the hike where we are all smiling and feeling ready for the big trek.

It has been more than two weeks since I've hiked and I'm starting to feel fat. I put on 5 pounds since Whitney, and it is 5 pounds of fat in my gut. I need a new goal, so I'm motivated to do more hiking and stop my re-toxification process. On my four day Labor day weekend, I plan to either go hiking again in the Sierras or hang out in Mexico and drink, drink and drink some more.

1 comment:

Karen said...

And you're having beer and pub grub today!