Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just a Geek by Wil Wheaton

I don't do many book reviews on my blog, if any ever, but I just had to write something about the book that I'm reading and may not ever finish. First, as you may have guessed, I am a Star Trek fan, and Wil Wheaton played Wesley Crusher on The Next Generation. I must admit, I bought this book based on the title. I thought "Just a Geek" implies that Wil Wheaton was going to write about how he is just one of us geeks, not a movie star famous for his work as an actor. Boy was I wrong. Every chapter is about how he spent all his years after leaving Star Trek looking for work and never getting any roles in movies and TV shows. He reflect about how he once hated being thought of as Wesly Crusher but now embraces his Star Trek past. I was bored with the book just a few chapter in, but kept on reading because I paid money for this book. Well, actually I didn't. I used a gift certificate to buy it. However, I'd would have been better off buying a dictionary and reading it because that would have been more interesting.

Another problem I have with his book is that most of it is just entries from his semi-famous blog. Now if you have read my blog, like the first post I made, you will see that I have a connection to Wil Wheaton, They Might Be Giants and blogs. I even have a link (which I might remove soon) to his blog over on the left hand side of my blog. But in his book he writes about an experience and then prints a long, boring entry from his blog that says the exact same thing. Like I said, every chapter is about the same topic, and should be given the exact same title: "I wish I had never left Star Trek because now I can't get an acting job and I have trouble paying bills but now I embrace my past and regret leaving Star Trek." Sorry Mr. Wheaton, I can't give your book a good review and I hope you spend the money you got from me for buying your book in a positive way.

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