Monday, May 15, 2006

Guilty on all Counts

My jury duty is over quicker than I had expected and now I can talk about the case, not that it is all that interesting. We found the defendant guilty on all four charges. One charge was driving with a suspended license. Two charges were related to drunk driving. The last charge was the most difficult for the jury to come to a consensus on - simple battery against a person with whom he was in a current or previous relationship with. Yes, the charge was that specific. He was accused of punching his ex-girlfriend - after drinking heavily. According to the law, to be guilty of simple battery he would have to only have "touched her in a rude or angry manner", or something like that. The defendant never testified, so we never got his side of the he-said-she-said story, but the woman he was accused of hitting did take the stand. Overall, I was surprised at how quickly the trial lasted. The prosecution rested before lunch today and the defense has no witnesses. We took less than four hours to agree on all four counts, which was good. I was afraid that the jurors that thought he was not guilty on the battery charge wouldn't change their mind, but after we had the testimony of two witness played back, they all changed their minds. Our jury system at its best. I should not be called for jury duty again for at least three years. So tomorrow I can go back to work - oh joy.


Anonymous said...

When I get out your mine "Giant Man!"

Homer Simpson said...

Your gonna hang by your b*lls, you bad man!