Thursday, February 12, 2009

A productive week at work

I accomplished everything I wanted to do this week at work and more. Even better, I started learning a new programming language which will be very helpful if I need to find a new job at the end of summer. Since one of our programmers left last December, I had to step-up and finish his work. He was coding a program in C++, which I have very little experience in. By figuring out how is code worked, I was able to write come C++ code of my own with the help of a book and the compiler which found all my coding errors. If I had coded this in 'C', it would have taken one day, but I would not have gotten the experience that companies like to see on resumes. Not knowing C++ has been a big problem when I have applied for jobs in the past. They want at least two years of experience with C++. If you have NO idea what I'm talking about then consider yourself lucky.

So anyways, I'm off work for four days :-) and I guess my plans will depend on the weather. They seem to change the forecast every hour. It went from heavy rain on Sunday and Monday to "possible showers". I hope to go on a hike during the sunniest day, otherwise more time in in the gym to work off my beer gut.

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