Friday, March 28, 2008

Recovery Day and Waffles

I slept in until 7:30 and actually felt refreshed and ambitious this morning. I took care of many my weekend chores, including laundry, sorting through mail, grocery shopping and a trip to the gym. Yes, I took the normal afternoon nap somewhere in there.

As you might have noticed, I updated a few of the photos I took with my cell phone in Key West. None turned out great, but they do look better once I upload the full-sized, Photoshopped version.

I forgot to talk about my waffle experience at the hotel. I stayed at a Fairfield Inn for the first time. The hotel was nice, the room was adequate, but I had a problem with the self-service waffle makers they provide at their free breakfast. There were "waffle maker hogs" at the hotel. Two mornings in a row I was unable to make a waffle because all three waffle makers were being used, even though there were only a few people eating breakfast at the time. I guess people feel obligated to use all three given the opportunity. So I said to my self, "there will be blood if I can't make a waffle may last day there!". Actually, I didn't really say that, neither did I see the movie that I borrowed that quote from. Luckily, there was one waffle maker available on Thursday morning. But I must admit, my waffle came out kind of pathetic. It was incomplete, due to not using enough batter, and it stuck to the grill due to not using enough Pan. But it did taste good.


Admin said...

Know what's delicious? 1/2 Waffle mix, 1/2 caramels, cook till hot, and wrap around a stick of butter. Lordy loo, heaven.
Also...Heart Disease.

Anonymous said...

We stayed at a Fairfield Inn on our trip and had wonderful waffles. At the La Quinta on our last day we made waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. We saw people who made terrible waffles because they didn't read the directions.


Homer Simpson said...

Instructions? What are they?

Karen said...

I have had that same waffle moment at Fairfields and Residence Inns! Normally, if the waffle maker is empty, I might not even want a waffle. But when the waffle hogs take over, I obsess until I get my waffle and it's always the best tasting ever! (Peanut butter and sugar free syrup)