Friday, June 02, 2006

Worf and Riker Star Trek Figures

Admiral William Riker

Governor Worf

Lt. Thomas Riker

Room. It is all about room now, as in not enough! Where am I going to put the six new Star Trek figures? I guess the real question is why do I keep buying them? I must have some obsessive/compulsive disorder that causes me to keep collecting. It used to be fun, going out to the stores around town, looking for all the figures. Now they are just a "click" away, thanks to the internet. What will the internet offer next, free porn?


Anonymous said...

"Free Porn?" Did somebody say "Free Porn?" Gotta get me some of that!

Homer Simpson said...

Welcome back, Mark. My blog hasn't been the same without your thoughtfull comments.

Anonymous said...

Anytime Keith. Happy to contribute!