Friday, June 09, 2006

Cleanup of Old Computers and Shopping Spree

Well I finally got rid of a ton of old computers and equipment. This stuff had been sitting in my garage and bedroom closet far too long. Most belonged to my Dad, but some of the pieces were mine. The parts I took away today included two computers, a monitor, three scanners, two printers, various tape and CD drives and more. I still have three computers and an extra printer and scanner at home. I had intended to give it all away so some poor family could enjoy "new" computer system, but no charity wants this stuff. I guess there is such a huge glut of old computers, that charities can be picky about what they take. They don't want anything too old. Hopefully some of the parts can be used, and I hope the hazardous waste within the cases is disposed of properly. Either way, I have more shelf room in the garage, which I'll need for all the camping/hiking stuff I'm buying. I made many shopping stops today. Stop one: Ford to get my first oil change for the Mustang. Two: my brother's work to dump off the computers. Three: Carl's Jr. for lunch. Four: Henry's Market to buy some Clif Bars and other snack food. Five: Sports Authority where I purchased more hiking clothes, including a rain/wind jacket. Six: Sav-ons for various items. Seven: Vons, for general food. Now I am exhausted and ready for one of my famous naps.

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