Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Sunday Wasn't Relaxing

What happened to my plans to relax this Sunday? I did sleep in, drink three cups of coffee and eat breakfast, but then I drove to REI to exchange my hiking poles and buy more supplies for hiking. Then I came home and filled out some paper work for buying a new home. Then I decided to drive back to Del Sur to take another look at the model and ask more questions, plus take pictures. From there I drove to my Brother's house and showed everyone there the photos I took. Now it was time to drive home and do three loads of laundry. So much for relaxing. Speaking of beer, I sure could use one. I haven't had but one drink in the last two weeks as part of my effort to "detoxify" my body before hiking Mt. Whitney. I don't know if it is helping, but I do know that I am really craving a beer. Some people might suggest that I have a problem. They would be right. My problem is that I really need a beer! But it will have to wait until after I have summited in nine days.

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