Friday, March 03, 2006

Charmed Has been Canceled!

I'm not surprised but I'm still saddened. I started watching this show after Shannen Doherty left this show. She was the reason I didn't watch Charmed in the beginning - I just don't like her as a person or actress. I have enjoyed the show over the past few seasons, (so much so that I have started collecting Charmed action figures) but I could tell that the writers were running out of ideas. They seemed to be repeating story lines from previous episodes, and dare I say, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Last season ended with the sisters all being killed - sort of. Sound familiar? This season we have a new character or two, both cute young women, one of which is the "key" to the ultimate power. Sound familiar? I expect the season finale to be worth watching and I'm excited to see what happens to each main character. I might even have a Charmed party that night, if anybody is interested.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Charmed blew it last season when they killed off the Charmed ones and made them assume new identities. I didn't want to watch the show with other actors and neither did a lot of people. You can't revamp a show like that. A SF show has to stay withing the boudaries of the world that it has created over the years. Angel and Buffy both broke those boundaries and cancellation resulted. While I'm ranting on about this, Enterprise never broke it's boundaries and finally got good in the last season and then it was gone. Of course, Enterprise failed to create boundaries in the first place which was part of the problem. That's why Stargate goes on. It's silly and it knows it but it doesn't try to be something else.