Monday, March 06, 2006

Wallowing in Garbage

Considering how empty and clean I thought my garage was, I sure spent a lot of my three day weekend cleaning it. I cleaned up oil stains, added more shelves, destroyed the old, very well made wooden ones and hauled everying and then some to the dump. This was my first trip to a dump. I drove the truck in this large building and threw the scrap wood and other stuff in a pile of garbage while standing in some slimy muck. At least it is done, except for properly disposing of some old oil and coolant fluid. Hopefully my Mustang will arive this week and I can park it in my nice clean garage.

On another subject, my friend received eight two-day hiking permits for Mt. Whitney in June - so the trip is on. Let the training begin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brokeback mountian continued....Not that there is anyhting wrong with it!