Saturday, February 25, 2006

Garage Shelving Project

Today I finally installed some new shelving in my garage. The project started with a trip to Lowe's where I bought all the necessary items. Then I got home I started by installing the vertical supports. All was going well until I tried to set the shelves on the support brackets. Apparently if you are off my even a fraction of an inch in the spacing of the supports then the shelves won't fit correctly. So rather than panicing or getting really mad, I just set them in as best I could using a hammer and was happy with the results. Once items are places on the shelves it doesn't matter that they are not sitting perfect. I bought enough for another set, but I might return those and get a different kind of shelf. This is all in an effort to trash a huge wooden shelf that was there when I bought my condo. Once I have everything off that old shelf then I have to bust it up and somehow take the pieces to the trash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I am tired just reading that post and I had a nap today!