Sunday, March 01, 2009

Ridding My Bike to the Gym

A long time ago, I used to ride my bike to the gym. So yesterday I decided it was time to revive that practice. It has two advantages over driving to the gym. First, I'm not driving my car and polluting the air with carbon emissions. Second, the ride to and from the gym counts as my cardio workout, so once at the gym, I don't have to spend 20 minutes on a boring stair-stepper. I can jump right into weight lifting - after my leg stretching. However, it only took me six minutes to bike there. So I took a different route home that took 10 minutes. That equals only 16 minutes, so I need to find a long route to get at least 20 minutes of cardio. Also, both bridges across the freeway are under construction, and have no bike lane, which makes them kind of dangerous for biking. I'll just have to be extra careful while crossing the bridges.

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