Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Strangest Day Ever

Dan doing hard labor!?!
I just had a very strange day. Not at all what I was expecting - but in a good way. My friend Mark is in town from Las Vegas, for various reasons, one of which is to help his sister move into their new home, the one featured in my previous post. So I met him, some friends I have not seen is some time, and other people at the new house where I got to see it from the inside. It is a very nice house, with all the modern features you would expect. After helping move some stuff into the garage (yes, I did more that just take photos of other people moving boxes), a few of us went to lunch. It was an off hour, so the restaurant was empty but the food was good. During the lunch, we talked about who we knew that was buried at the Poway Cemetery, and someone suggested we go there after lunch (we were talking about Joey, that's how the cemetery conversation came about). So off to the cemetery we went. We visited the graves of Tom's dad, Mark's dad, Gonzo and my parents, placing a mint candy (from the restaurant) on each site - in a respectful way.
Then we drove back to the new house where the others had long since left. So we were invited to Mike's home, where they were having a baby shower for Bill's daughter. We came crashing in and said hi to everyone, but shorty after the women left to go see the new home - leaving leftover cake and ice cream. We snacked on desserts for a while, then everyone went home, including me. I wasn't expecting to do much more today than work out at the gym, so this diversion from my normal routine did me good. I'll sleep well tonight.

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