Monday, August 18, 2008

Pictures From Family Reunion

Do I hear $20 dollars?
The silent auction turned into a more exciting loud auction, with many items under bidding wars. I didn't know auctions involved so much laughing!

Bags of Dogs
There were over 100 leftover hot dogs. We donated most to the veteran's center.

Solving puzzles
The word puzzle/game intrigued everyone. For some reason, I'm not very good at games that involve thinking. I turn my brain off when I'm not at work.

Pink Handcuffs
My cousin Nancy married a man who carries pink handcuffs, and he placed them on her sister for being bad, I guess.

Waiting for family to arrive
We sat around waiting for the rest of the family to show up. At the peak, almost all the tables were filled. However, we were expecting more young children. There were games to play and movies to watch, but the movie room never got used.

1 comment:

Karen said...

The hot dogs look funnier in the photo than they did at the time!