Thursday, June 30, 2005

Weekend Camping Trip

This weeks camping trip to Picacho was an adventure. The drive out there was fun, camping was an experience, and the drive home - not so good. First, the drive there. My friend who I go camping with managed to bring along two new people, both of who drove. So for the drive out there, he and I switched who we rode with half way there. This gave me time to get to know each of these women. It was nice to have someone new to talk to.

Once we got to our camp site, where we were the only ones crazy enough to be out in the 105 degrees heat, we got our rafts full of air, our coolers full of beer and headed out to the lake. We floated around for almost four hours. Time went by really quick. As the sun set, we needed to get to camp to set up our tents. Also at this time, sadly, one of the newbies had to pack up and go home. The evening flew by as we sat around drinking, talking and listening to music. Somewhere around midnight the moon rose and it look really small, for some reason. Well, the next thing I remember is waking up in the morning not feeling so good.

I just laid around all morning as the other two went back out onto the lake for awhile. After packing up, we headed home. That's when the trouble began. First, the car began to overheat. We stopped a few times to check on the engine. Then we hit our first delay. Seems a fire was causing long delays. Once we got past that we stopped again for the border checkpoint. Somewhere along the way there was a third delay, an accident I think. As we got closer to home, the car troubles got worse. The car accelerator was getting stuck. Pressing on the breaks caused the car to not stop. We were lucky to get home. For the last few miles we had to run stop signs because we couldn't stop. Turns out that the accelerator cable broke, which I didn't think could happen.

It took me two days to "recover" from this trip and now I'm ready to do it again this weekend. In fact, after tomorrow, I'm on vacation for two long weeks! You can expect more blog posts to come.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be:

My friend who I go camping with managed to bring along two new people, both of WHOM drove.

I don't know, could be the 20 beers I drank in 20 hours. Or is that drunk?

Karen said...

Not related to the post but Oct. 20th is fine. Buy the tix.

Homer Simpson said...


I will buy tix when on sale.


I don't like to use the word "whom" for some reason.

They say social drinking is one drink per hour, so do the math.