Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pre-packing for Rome

I ditched work early today because I couldn't concentrate on my work and wasn't being very productive, and my boss wasn't around. So I'm getting a jump start on pre-packing and getting ready for our Italy trip. I have a few small items to buy tomorrow, plus a haircut and that should do it. The Saturday/Sunday flight to Rome will be long, and sleep will be hard to come by, but hopefully the excitement of being in Rome will produce enough adrenaline to keep me going Sunday just long enough to crash (in bed) Sunday evening. I'm watching the weather report and it keeps changing. I guess they are no better in predicting rain in Europe than they are in the US. I foresee a fun week and lots of photo opportunities.


Anonymous said...

I'm a litte afraid I will fall asleep while walking and crash into somebody. Maybe a nice Belgian couple.


Karen said...

Those poor Belgians! They're not safe anywhere.