Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Has Anybody Seen Me?

Yes, I am here, fighting off a would-be cold by getting lots of sleep. Everybody at work is sick, even the guy who never gets sick. People sneezing and coughing everywhere! Time to hide in a plastic bubble. Well, I won't go that far. However, I did have an eye exam last night and right on queue, I was told that I could use reading glasses. What is it about turning 40? My right eye got worse for distances and my left eye got worse for reading. I'll hold off on glasses as long as I can, even if they might help my eyes from getting worse. I didn't get LASIK just to wear glasses again. It has only been three years and life without irritating red marks on my nose and ears is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

43 and no glasses. Gloat.
