Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hoist Fitness Machines at the 24 Hour Fitness Club

No, this is not intended to be an advertisement for either Hoist or 24 Hour Fitness, but I just wanted to make a quick blog entry about the new workout equipment I used yesterday at the gym. A few weeks ago the 24 Hour Fitness near my home added a set of Hoist machines. I used them yesterday and I really like them. They seem to give you a more thorough workout of each muscle like you would get from free-weights but with the back-support and comfort of a machine. I especially like the bicep machine. It has the handles on a cord so you have more free motion during the lifting. Plus, all the machines move as you lift. You put your legs on a support rest and as you life the whole machine moves in a smooth motion with a constant resistance. Hopefully the other 24 Hour location I go to will get these machines soon.

1 comment:

Regina said...

Nice post.!! I am a member of our local 24 Hour Fitness club. Excited to know more about Hoist fitness machines.