Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Few More Lake Poway Photos

Lake Poway Campground
I didn't realize that there was a Lake Poway Campground until last year when I went on this same hike. It is hard to see, but there is a building in the middle of the photo that used to be showers/bathroom. Now its just some brick surrounded by a chain-link fence.

Lake Poway Hillside
You can see the homes above Lake Poway. Most of the houses in the area survived the fire, but I saw a few lots with just chimneys left standing. LaDainian Tomlinson's house sits above the reserve and I saw on the news that the fire only burnt a few bushes in his back yard.

Flowers on Mt. Woodson
My attempt to photograph flowers blooming on Mt. Woodson. There were red, yellow, white, green, purple and blue flowers blooming all over the hills.

1 comment:

Karen said...

KS on Friday.