Monday, December 03, 2007

Photos of Greece and London Continued

Inside the British Museum First, I want to point out that for some reason photos uploaded to blogger don't open withing IE. I assume this is something done by Blogger, since it is happening to multiple blogs on several computers.

Second, "blog" has been on my mind, so I should clarify that our hotel in Athens was "blocks" from the Acropolis. I laughed out load (LOL) when I saw my typo :-)

The photo above was taken the the British Museum. Even though photos with flashes were allowed, few of the photos I took turned out very well. This one took some Photoshopping to get the detail and color to stand out.

Ruins among the cityAs you can see, the sites in Athens sit right in the middle of the modern city. This is part of Hadrian's Library with the Acropolis in the background.

On Aegina A photo of me standing at the Temple of Apollo, I believe, on Aegina.

Didn't go Inside Tower of London, another site in London that I didn't get a chance to visit. Sounded like a worthwhile stop, but no time on this trip.

Our boat The hydrofoil we took to the island of Aegina. Fast and smooth ride.

1 comment:

Karen said...

All good photos. Go to the Tower next time. Athens had a lot of hiking!