Monday, October 08, 2007

Columbus Day 2007

Job Well Done
What better way to celebrate a day in honor of the man who "discovered" America than to install some shelves in my garage and fill them with stuff that needed not be stored in my closets. It took less than one hour to put the shelves up and over two hours to pull all the boxes out of two of my closets and organize everything into two groups: stays-in-the-house and goes-out-to-the-garage. I still have one room to organize, but I still have plenty of shelf space available too. Now it is time to get out and enjoy the sun - or take a nap.


Karen said...

I sense another Star Trek room in the making!

Homer Simpson said...

I'm going to put the shelves in my "guest" bedroom in the closet that will soon be empty, which will clear-up lots of wall space for more Star Trek action figures. Then I'm going to re-arrange my computer room, which will give me more wall space for Buffy/Angle, and yes, new Futurama action figures!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, happy traditional birthday. Observed birthday yet to come.