Monday, November 01, 2004


Well, I claimed my blog at Blogshares. What exactly does that mean? I'm not sure. This web site has 1.8 million blogs that are tracked like stocks, where you can buy and sell shares of blogs. I found my blog here by chance, and signed-up so I could claim ownership of my blog. Also, I got some shares automatically invested in my own blog, as well as "cash" to invest in others. Is there actual money to be made here? Not that I can see. My goal is to increase the value of my blog, which seems to be based on incoming and outgoing links. However, it says my blog has 3 outgoing links, and I know I have over 20. Lets see how long this trendy endeavor holds my interest.


Karen said...

I think they only count links to other blogs as outgoing links. BlogShares only tracks blogs not other web sites. It's not 100% accurate since it doesn't recognize my link to your blog even after I reindexed my blog.

Hagfish said...

You can spend Blogsharebux, but only in Blogosvenia, and only under the cover of night, and only on Wednesbovich, which is fine as long as it's not raining.

I hope I cleared something up for you here.